Date: 9 Mar 2018 to 11 Mar 2018

Welcome to the beautiful Skinnarila!

In the heart of lappeen Ranta's student life we will have ESN Finland's National Platform. The event starts at 17:00 on Friday and the going doesn't stop until the weekend is almost gone at 15:00 on Sunday. During the weekend you will experience plenaries, workshops, sauna, sitsit and more!

According to our statutes the agenda will include at least the following:

  1. Opening of the meeting. Election of the chair, secretary, two scrutinisers and, if necessary, two vote counters;
  2. Legality and quorum of the meeting;
  3. Approving the agenda for the meeting;
  4. Election of President of the National Board;
  5. Deciding the number of National Board members and election of National Board members;
  6. Transferring bank account rights to the new National Board;
  7. Action plan, budget and membership fee for the following year are determined;
  8. Possible amendments to statutes

The participation fee is 40€ and will cover the essential food, accommodation and the various activities during the weekend. We can guarantee 3 spots per section, but feel free to register as many participants as you wish, since the chances of getting extra spots are high. Please provide a priority list to, e.g. "1. Bilbo Baggins, 2. Gandalf Gray, 3. Sauron" by the registration deadline, which is on Sunday 25th of February at 23:59.

Pack up your stuff and aim for the east border, see you in lappeen Ranta!

ESN Lappeenranta


(Due to long lost knowledge and teekkarijokes, for all purposes Lappeenranta is spelled as lappeen Ranta.)