ESN Finland invites sections to the Skype National Platform III of 2014 on 7th December at 16.00.

Each section can send 1 delegate member to the meeting. We can host only 1 connection/section, but there can be more participants through the connection. If the section is not able to participate, they can delegate their vote to a participating section. Please note: One section can only have their own plus 1 delegated vote!

On the agenda, we will have the following issues:

  • Selecting a new National Section Coordinator
  • Selecting the OC for National Platform Spring 2015

Related documents to these issues, like the complete agenda, the proposals etc. has been sent to each member section. The deadline for the NSC is really short, only until the 30th of November and the deadline for the OC is on the 3rd of December. The sections will be provided with the applications before the NP takes place, so that they have an appropriate time to study them.

You will need to provide the NB with a vote delegation form from your section / Student Union latest on 7th of December at 15:00. You can find the delegation form from the Dropbox link share to the LRs.

Looking forward to a fruitful Skype NP!

Best regards,

ESN Finland NB 2014-2015